

Friday, 23 September 2016

4 Things You Need to Walk with God Daily

4 Things You Need to Walk with God Daily
Let’s look at some pertinent steps to walking with God daily. My hope is not only to shed light on how each one leads us further into attaining more of God, I hope you can see where God has you right now. Plenty of other faithful followers of Christ could supply you with their own version of the steps God has led them to walk with him. All to say, these steps are not written in stone. I’m only sharing these for the benefit of helping you to find God in the way I can. Any wise Christian will tell you to study under many teachers, and to familiarize yourself with the presence of God and his revealed Word, the Bible.
Some steps overlap—that’s normal. But to walk with God wholeheartedly in these principles will be what takes you from messy to miraculous in your pursuit of Christ and his presence.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

How I Frustrated And Sent Poverty Packing – Sam Adeyemi

Sam Adeyemi 
 Hello, I am Sam Adeyemi, President of Success Power International. I am a success coach, using different media like TV, radio and Internet to empower more people around the world as much as I can.
If you are a passionate person, working hard and struggling to make it especially here in Nigeria, like I used to, you will know that achieving ALL-ROUND SUCCESS is not an overnight or one-day affair. I am very certain that you have faced challenges, setbacks, obstacles, limitations, disappointments and so on like I did. I am sure you would have also made quite a number of mistakes along the way.
To be totally honest with you, I have also made some serious mistakes but unlike some people, I chose to get back up on my feet, learn the lessons I need and move on.
You see, SUCCESS IS A JOURNEY THAT A WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE START BUT VERY FEW PEOPLE FINISH. One secret to success a lot of people overlook is the “mystery of mistakes”
What do I mean?